White Papers
Download this whitepaper to learn about two of the biggest topics in e-discovery in 2024: “modern attachments,” essentially meaning hyperlinked documents, and chat or instant messaging technology.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this alert to learn why errors in ESI production do not necessarily require a wholesale redo of production.
Product Briefs
Download this solution brief to learn about Exterro's managed services partner program as a way to grow your business.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn about a case in which the court compelled re-production of ESI in native format over usability issues.
Product Briefs
Download this solution brief to learn how Exterro can help you identify PII and respond in compliance with regulations governing data breaches.
Learn some tips that can help you ensure your data retention program meets regulatory requirements and successfully minimizes data risk for your organization.
Read this blog article to learn about ways your organization can save on data storage.
Learn how AI is transforming document review in this blog post based on a recent Exterro webinar.
On-Demand Webcast
Watch this on-demand webcast to learn how AI is transforming document review, automating tasks, analyzing documents, and creating more efficient processes.
Read the blog post to learn about the exciting release of an intuitive new user interface for Exterro Legal Hold.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert for insight into why organizations are looking for means to collect hyperlinked documents.
Read this blog article to learn about expert opinions for organizations needing to manage litigation and compliance obligations over communications happening in off-channel platforms.