E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Check out this case law alert to learn about a ruling that underscores the procedures outlined in Rule 26(b)(5)(B) regarding the handling of inadvertently produced privileged documents.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn about the factors courts will consider when determining whether a forensic investigation of a device is warranted.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Review this case law alert to understand the criteria courts use to determine sanctions under FRCP 37(e).
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Check out this e-discovery case law alert to find out how proportionality applies when one party requests additional search terms because of missed significant documents.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn about the rubric courts use to determine if sanctions under FRCP 37(e) apply.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Check out this case law alert to learn why the failure to obtain password access to ESI on a device does not constitute spoliation.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this alert to learn why errors in ESI production do not necessarily require a wholesale redo of production.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn about a case in which the court compelled re-production of ESI in native format over usability issues.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert for insight into why organizations are looking for means to collect hyperlinked documents.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn why courts are not inclined to support discovery requests that are little more than fishing expeditions
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn why Hyperlinks are not the same as traditional attachments, as recent case law clarifies their treatment in e-discovery protocols.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case alert to learn about a situation where the courts found forensic examination was unnecessary.