Events & Webinars
THE UK’S LEADING PUBLIC SECTOR COUNTER FRAUD EVENT. Cultivate new connections & reunite with old friends. Benchmark your team’s counter fraud strategy. Get a first look at the newest prevention & detection tools. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls. Refresh and refine your knowledge
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Check out this case law alert to learn about a ruling that underscores the procedures outlined in Rule 26(b)(5)(B) regarding the handling of inadvertently produced privileged documents.
Events & Webinars
Mission 5: Forensic Intelligence: Cracking the Code
Using digital forensics to solve cyber mysteries.
In this episode, Justin and Blake discuss the intricacies of video forensics. They explore the importance of video enhancement techniques, the challenges posed by low-quality footage, and the best practices for investigators to ensure they collect the most original evidence.
Events & Webinars
Often overlooked, deleting redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data is the “sleeping giant” that can significantly reduce risk, lower costs, and enhance organizational defensibility. Join us for an engaging session in the Privacy Bytes virtual brown bag lunch series, where we’ll uncover the untapped potential of data deletion as a game-changing strategy for privacy, security, and eDiscovery.
E-discovery Case Law Alerts
Read this case law alert to learn about the factors courts will consider when determining whether a forensic investigation of a device is warranted.
Data Privacy Alerts
Read this alert to learn about the CFPB's new rule extending federal oversight to large non-bank digital payment apps.
Boost your data privacy efforts with these 5 key tips for assessing your privacy program. Minimize risks, build trust, and ensure regulatory compliance.
Events & Webinars
Discover essential strategies and tips for effective data collection across diverse digital landscapes, including mobile devices, social media, and collaboration platforms.
This webcast will delve into how legal teams can streamline the data collection process, a crucial step for expediting the document review stage—the most costly part of e-discovery.
Discover the most critical e-discovery rulings of 2024. Learn how these cases impact legal professionals and e-discovery compliance strategies.
White Papers
Learn how to strengthen your organization's data privacy, security, and governance posture with best practices and technology in this whitepaper.
Read this blog post to learn about some of the most important privacy news events of 2024.