2023 E-Discovery Case Law in Review
In the absence of significant changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, case rulings define how the practice of e-discovery evolves over time. Exterro created the E-Discovery Case Law Project (EDCLP) to help e-discovery professionals keep up with the most recent case law, since rulings like the ones that follow in this whitepaper set precedents that influence how the court rules on future disputes.
We’ve collected 10 cases from our library of case law alerts published throughout 2023. Some cases involve very recognizable litigants, while others look at smaller disputes. But all of these rulings have substantial ramifications for e-discovery professionals.
Download this whitepaper to learn:
- Why cooperation between parties is critical to e-discovery
- How technical competence can make or break your case strategy
- Why clear communication is a critical to achieving the outcomes you want in e-discovery