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Law Enforcement Team Resources

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White Papers

Finanzkriminalität proaktiv begegnen und Risiken minimieren

Die Finanzkriminalität ist ein ernstzunehmendes Thema, das viele Facetten hat. Sowohl externe Bedrohungen wie Datenschutzverletzungen, Ransomware und Schadsoftware sowie interne Bedrohungen wie das Herausschleusen von Daten und der Diebstahl geistigen Eigentums sind konstante Risiken.

White Papers

The Future of Digital Forensics

Download this guide to learn about developments in digital forensics that can help law enforcement investigators solve crimes faster and more easily.


Catch Up with Exterro at XChange

Exterro XChange brings together two great conferences from the fall--Exterro's InFusion and Zapproved's PREX--into the season's must attend event for learning about e-discovery, privacy, digital forensics, and legal governance, risk, and compliance


The Transformation of Digital Forensics in UK Policing

The role of digital forensics in policing in the UK has transformed over the last several years, as technology gives DFUs the ability to catch up with their backlogs and deliver justice for both victims and the perpetrators of crime.

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