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Law Enforcement Forensics

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Product Briefs

The New FTK® Forensic Toolkit: Reinventing Forensic Analysis and Review

FTK 8.0 marks a major step forward for the digital forensics gold standard, FTK Forensic Toolkit. With an all-new, intuitive interface and exciting timeline, multimedia analysis, and other new features on top of the industry's fastest ingestion and processing. Learn how this exciting new release can help you solve complex cases faster with FTK's brand new interface designed to lead investigators directly to key evidence.

Product Briefs

FTK® Connect Automation for Law Enforcement - Product Brief

FTK Connect for Law Enforcement helps digital forensic investigators power through case backlogs and accelerate forensic investigations by automating FTK workflows. Eliminate time spent waiting for jobs to be completed and get cases to examiners in half the time by using FTK Connect to automate case creation and evidence processing, then informing investigators when their jobs are finished.

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White Papers

Finanzkriminalität proaktiv begegnen und Risiken minimieren

Die Finanzkriminalität ist ein ernstzunehmendes Thema, das viele Facetten hat. Sowohl externe Bedrohungen wie Datenschutzverletzungen, Ransomware und Schadsoftware sowie interne Bedrohungen wie das Herausschleusen von Daten und der Diebstahl geistigen Eigentums sind konstante Risiken.

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