California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA): Compliance Checklist
The CPRA launches January 1, 2023, giving businesses time to put together a plan for compliance.
The impacts of these changes are likely to be significant and far-reaching, as the AG is granted more enforcement authority according to the CPRA, a new enforcement agency is created, and definitions of the actions taken by businesses in response to privacy incidents and complaints are refined. Therefore, compliance should be a priority in line with the other Legal Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) objectives at your business that relate to data privacy and data management.
Download this checklist to learn about:
- Updates to Data Management Requirements & Data Disclosures
- Opt-in & Opt-out Information
- Data Retention Requirements for Personal Data
- Fulfilling Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs)
- Updated Private Right of Action for Data Breaches