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Exterro Culture

Climb Higher with Exterro: Opportunities for Growth

November 26, 2021

This post is a guest post by Exterro team member Adam Krieger.

This was not meant to be an occupational picture. I took it at 13,000 feet altitude, just before summiting Mt. Alice during a week-long backpacking trip in the Rockies. The wind really started to pick up, so my friends and I took a break and threw on some jackets. Until I put it on, I didn't realize that the one I packed was from Exterro. Then--and now--this picture makes me think about everything Exterro has done for me over the past year (other than supplying me with a cool jacket).

I started at Exterro over a year ago as a member of the Business Development Team. In my role, I work closely with our sales team to identify prospective customers and build relationships with them. I try to learn about the challenges they’re facing and figure out how Exterro’s products might help them succeed in their roles.

I’m full-time remote for the first time, and I feel like I communicate more with my team now than I did when I was in an office, because it’s just so easy. It feels like we’re talking all the time, we’re always available. When I first started, I was asking questions every five minutes, and we’re always communicating and sharing knowledge across the team. Everyone was always available to help me.

Sales has a reputation for being a competitive field, but my teammates and I get along well and cover for each other. If one of us needs time off, we take on a little extra work for the short term to ensure everything gets covered.

I feel appreciated by management and mutually supported by my team. The Directors of Sales are really supportive too. They share their experiences with me and offer plenty of tips to get ahead. From the very start of my time at Exterro, my direct manager has asked me about my plans and goals and encouraged me to grow, build up my skills, and helped define and pursue the path that’s most interesting to me. It’s been just over a year, and I have already seen extraordinary growth in my career. I’ve earned a promotion to Senior Business Development Representative and am helping with training the BD--and that’s a direction that I want to move in.

That’s a big contrast from a lot of companies, where managers might ask, “What do you see yourself doing in five years? Keep up the good work, and it might be possible.” But they don’t necessarily help you identify what the path to your goals is, and they don’t help define concrete steps to take like I’ve experienced here at Exterro. Here, I have a clear path ahead of me.

And the benefits outside of work might even be the best part. I have the financial independence to do crazy things like climb mountains, and the work/life balance to take a week from cellular signal to do so while still exceeding my quota. It’s a great feeling to know my career is helping me live the life I want for myself and my family.

I look forward to what the future holds for my career and will forever cherish what Exterro has done for me.

Anyway, that's enough rest. It's time to keep climbing.

Learn more about opportunities at Exterro on our Careers page.

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