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Are You Ready for These New Technologies?

E-Discovery Case Law on Modern Attachments and Chat Applications

Two of the biggest topics in e-discovery in 2024 have to do with preserving, producing, and reviewing “modern attachments,” essentially meaning hyperlinked documents, and chat or instant messaging technology. Both of these forms of communication are ubiquitous in modern organizations. Rather than attaching word processing or spreadsheet files, more and more professionals send links to shared documents, facilitating collaboration across organizations. Similarly, when organizations adopt instant messaging platforms, like Slack or Google Chat, much of the work that used to happen in emails migrates into these asynchronous communication platforms. 

But these new platforms have posed challenges to e-discovery professionals.

Download this whitepaper to learn: 

  • How six recent case rulings could affect how e-discovery professionals do their work 
  • What e-discovery professionals must consider when working with modern attachments or instant messaging platforms 
  • How expert interpret these cases as part of the ongoing evolution of e-discovery

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